Enhance Conferences with Integrated Surveys and Polls

Surveys, Polls, Blogs, And Gamification

Live Survey System™ Actively Gauge The Success Of Your Conference

Build a survey with which your customers (both presenters and attendees) and conference organizers can interact throughout the conference. A more interactive survey gets better results. That's why we built the first-ever Live Survey System™. The live survey is always accessible for your customers on the conference essentials page, allowing your customers to write-in notes or fill-in parts of the survey at any point in time during the conference. Additionally, Live Survey System™ enables customers to link with conference organizers if they have questions or concerns during the conference. For example, if a projector is broken, a customer can indicate this in the survey and request another projector in a particular conference room. Organizers receive alerts in real-time whenever an item is posted in the survey for a quick resolution.

Polls Promote Attendee Interaction

Our poll system helps your attendees have a more interactive conference. You can build and launch them on the fly to make your conference more than just a regular conference. Alternatively, you can pre-build your polls, and release them at various times during your conference.

Blogs Amplify Engagement

Conference Blogs are a new way to promote engagement at a conference. You can use Meeting Blooms Blog System to create an attendee team collaboration that is live, and just like the poll system, you can turn each Blog on when you want interaction during your conference.

Gamification Creates A Fun Environment

We provide mobile trivia games that can be related to the conference. We have an affiliate system that makes a game out of who can help get the most attendees to come to the conference. The awards are either an award, or a swag marker on their badge. We also have a mobile scavenger hunt system in which the attendees go around and find keywords at the conference. The result will be a sentence about the conference. These are ways that you can make your conference more fun and interactive and Meeting Bloom provides you with the tools to easily accomplish this.

To make gamification work best, you should follow these general rules:

  • Affiliate System
    • The affiliate system is a creative way to get more attendees to attend a conference, by giving honor badges to your attendees for helping promote their conference. All of this is automated with our conference tools.
    • The affiliate system isn't just about getting more attendees to the conference. It's about spreading the word. Spreading the word helps promote your field, which means more funding, research, and interest in what you care about the most.
  • Trivia Games
    • Your games shouldn't be too hard, but not easy either. You want interaction and thought at your conference - not frustration.
    • Games should be related to topics covered by the conference to make them more interesting and relevant.
  • Scavenger Hunt
    • Flow is always important in gamification. For example, your scavenger hunt should have helper hints not only in the scavenger hunt game application but also at the physical locations to help players find the next word. This flow keeps your players interested and makes for a better conference.